9 things you say that can immediately disqualify you in a job interview

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Nobody's perfect.

You could be pro at job interviews, but there's always a chance you'll say something a bit off.

Your qualifications and endearing personality might just carry you over, but there are some things that are so bad that they could completely wreck your chances.

Here are nine interview faux pas that could automatically disqualify you, unless you're really lucky:1. 'What does your company do?'

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"Believe it or not, recruiters and hiring managers say they get asked this question all the time," Charles Purdy writes for job site Monster.

Questions like this will make you look like you don't even care enough to run a simple Google search.

Make sure you do your homework.

2. 'Are you married? Are you pregnant? etc.'

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Never ask the interviewer any personal questions — or anything that could be offensive. It's just off-putting.

That goes especially for potentially insulting queries, like whether or not a woman is pregnant.

"If you are not pregnant, it is very much a ground-swallow-me-up-now moment as you struggle to find the words to explain to a perfect stranger that it is very much just a food baby under your jumper," Catherine Phillips wrote in the Metro.

Keep things professional.

3. 'S---,' 'b----,' 'f---, ' etc.

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Letting out a curse word or two during a funny story might not be a nail in the coffin, but it's better to hold off on the profanities in job interviews.

Angrily swearing at someone your interviewer or otherwise would especially knock you out of the running. This goes double for any offensive, racist, or sexist speech.

It's not just rude — it'll make you seem dumb.

Business Insider's Shana Lebowitz previously reported that a 2012 study found that people perceive those who swear as being less intelligent.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider
