Amber Tamblyn Would Like You To Leave Her Out Of Her Husband’s Messiness

Get the Full StoryAmber Tamblyn would please like you to stop ing her with your criticism about her husband, David Cross. Amber has been on a feminist warpath lately. However, Amber s Raise Every Voice anthem got real quiet when David was accused of saying some really dumb racist shit to fellow comedian Charlyne Yi. Amber was called out on that, and she tweeted that she would very much like to be excluded from this narrative.

Amber posted this to twitter yesterday.

He said he was sorry, publicly, several times. Please don t me in conversations dragging my husband. Thanks.

— Amber Tamblyn ambertamblyn October 19, 2017

Many have criticized that apology as being disingenuous. David claimed that he didn t remember the incident and suggested that Charlyne may have misremembered what happened. But then later he said he actually did remember and that he was probably doing a funny redneck character. Here s his amended complaint apology. K4CA0v74c9

— David Cross davidcrosss October 18, 2017 EeZZ5sn3lX

— David Cross davidcrosss October 18, 2017

Yes, all-caps NEVER followed immediately by unless . #rashomon indeed. I guess Charlyne just wasn t smart enough to get the joke. And really, who doesn t love meeting a person for the first time and having them do a racist character at your expense? We all do! And instead of actually apologizing, David took on the role of victim and wished that everybody who called him a racist piece of shit would suffer the same fate and that he hopes this happens” to them.

And back to Amber, in the span of a single day, she went from tweets like this:

All healing begins with ownership and the truth. Men; forget your crafted statements and follow suit. https: DwfK1wrF4c

— Amber Tamblyn ambertamblyn October 19, 2017

To this:

I will say this for the last time. Do not hold women accountable for the actions, decisions or words of their partners. Don t. Do it.

— Amber Tamblyn ambertamblyn October 20, 2017

To be fair, she s got a point. She doesn t owe us anything. David’s behavior is his own cross to bear bad, bad accidental pun but it stays . But Amber’s very vocal, very public excoriation of men behaving badly does not make for a good look when the man you presumably have the closest relationship with behaves badly and you don t also publicly excoriate him. I’ll let Amber have the penultimate word.

I ll say it again. I spoke to Charlyne. I believe her. I m about HER feelings emotional health right now, not Twitter s. That okay with you? https: aQU5dGqKuY

— Amber Tamblyn ambertamblyn October 20, 2017

I and will take the last: Twitter, it s a hell of a drug.

