Thomas Markle Reportedly Found Out About Duchess Meghan’s Pregnancy Before The Rest Of Us

Get the Full StoryOne day after Kensington Palace announced that Duchess Meghan was is pregnant with Prince Harry’s royal spawn, we’ve got Thomas Markle’s take on things. And of course Samantha Markle has something to say about it too.

I was waiting to see how long it might take before Thomas popped up on television in a “Number One Grandpa” sweatshirt, crying about why Meghan won’t let him see the blue lines on the pregnancy test. But instead we’ve got a source who spoke to The Sun and claims he found out about Meghan’s pregnancy before it was announced to the public even though they haven’t talked for a while. This is despite the fact that most of us have had boxes of baking soda in our fridges for less time than it’s been since Thomas last spoke to his daughter. The source claims Thomas is very happy, and wants to be involved in the baby’s life.

“Thomas is absolutely delighted. He heard the news before it was made public and was overjoyed. He thinks Meghan will make a great mum as she is already so maternal. Thomas sees this as a chance to fix the problems between him, Meghan and Harry. He is desperate to be there for his grandchild and wants to play an active role in their life.”

Thomas then allegedly texted the news to Samantha who then rang up The Sun to let them know how she felt about all of it. Samantha Markle has been attempting to play nice with her sister, and she sounded happy about the baby news. But since this is Samantha Markle we’re talking about, she also managed to throw her sister under the bus for not including Grandpa Thomas in the official royal baby statement.

“It just makes everything that happened over the last year disappear. I want Meghan to be happy and calm and have peace. Everybody needs to be positive. I would hope that – for the sake of the baby, the family, the world and my dad – that leaving him out of the statement was not intentional. I hope my dad is included and at a proper time. If he is excluded, I won’t be happy. It is in the best interests of the baby for my dad to be included. A baby changes everything and softens everyone. I would only hope that there would be some adjustment or some way of including him.”

Samantha also tells The Sun that she hopes that everyone can get together for a sit down “at a proper time” and work their issues out and be one big happy family again. Shhhh…nobody wake Samantha up from the dream she’s having.

Who knows, maybe Thomas and Samantha will get their wish, and Duchess Meghan will include them in the baby’s life. In that case, Dear Baby: get ready to have the embarrassing details of your first poopy diaper broadcast to the world in an exclusive interview with The Sun.

Here’s Duchess Meghan in a dress that crashed the designer’s website and Prince Harry at the Sydney Opera House in Australia today.

