Warning: Zac Efron's Gloriously Sexy Beard Will Make You Feel a Whole Lot of Things

Get the Full StoryOK, here's the thing: Zac Efron has always been my number one. I've been majorly crushing on him since his days in Summerland - back when he had the most adorable gap between his teeth and everyone foolishly preferred Jesse McCartney - and I dare say that my infatuation with all things Efron will never stop. In fact, November Zac is currently starring at me from my desk, and I would be lying if I said that this calendar isn't one of my most prized possessions. But I digress.


I Watched Zac Efron's 73 Questions Video and Now I'm Definitely Pregnant

This morning, I woke up to a delightful new photo of Zac on Instagram, featuring his bulging muscles and a glorious, glorious beard. After immediately sharing this snap with my girlfriends and slightly hating myself for being so jealous of a horse, I thought it would be a crime not to share this with the world. So, dear reader, here are 12 photos of Zac, his muscles, and his beautiful beard. You're welcome.
