14 Toys the Little Man in Your Life Won't Want to Put Down - They're That Awesome

Get the Full StoryWhen you're buying presents for kids, it can be all too easy to grab a stuffed animal or video game and call it a day. But, if you want to step it up a notch, we've got a treat for you. We don't always remember every single present we ever got as a child, but we do remember how certain gifts made us feel seen, understood, and loved. Some gifts opened us up to new experiences and interests, while others let us cultivate our curiosities. There's one thing that's for certain, though. The gifts we remember definitely weren't boring.

If there's a little man in your life, and he's got a birthday coming up, or you just feel like treating him to something special, take a look through these 14 gifts. They're definitely not basic. From light up capture the flag to a cool art canvas and fun geology kit, these are the gifts he's definitely going to remember. Starting at just 10, you might even want a few for yourself. Just keep reading to shop our picks.


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