15 most impressive gifts for Star Wars fans

Get the Full StoryOh my goodness. Shut me down! Holiday season is here. Christmas is only weeks away and family is coming to town. We gotta make our lists and bake cookies and decorate and do our shopping and still have enough time to wrap presents an breathe ... just breathe.

We know this time of year is a lot, and buying presents is made all the more difficult by not knowing what to get people. And maybe the person you're buying for is a huge Star Wars nerd. And maybe you're so lost on anything and everything Star Wars that you think any character wearing black is Darth Vader talking to you, mom . Not to worry, we're here to save the day. Scroll through our Star Wars gift guide for some "most impressive" ideas on what to get that Star Wars fan in your life this holiday season. Good luck, and may the Force be with you. Read more...More about Christmas, Holidays, Star Wars, Gift Ideas, and Gift Guide 2019
