These highly rated food containers can keep your fruits and vegetables fresh for longer

I can't tell you how many times I've had to throw out my fruits and vegetables because they went bad before I had a chance to eat them.
Not only is this a waste of food, but it's also a total waste of money.
If you have the same problem, Rubbermaid's FreshWorks Produce Saver containers may help; they're specially designed to slow down some of the processes that lead to food spoiling prematurely, keeping your food fresher for longer.
Here's how the containers work:
Fruits and vegetables are living organisms, so storing them in an airtight container cuts off their air supply and speeds up the decay process. The FreshWorks containers include a small vent along their lid that regulates how much oxygen and carbon dioxide can enter and exit them.
Another reason your food starts to go bad is exposure to moisture. Not only does this make your produce soggy, but it's also a breeding ground for bacteria that eat away at your food. To help, Rubbermaid designed these containers with an elevated tray that runs along their bottom, which will help food stay crisp.
Many other factors determine how long your produce will stay fresh, including what fruit or vegetable it is, and whether or not it's cut. Rubbermaid tested these containers using strawberries and found they lasted 80 longer than those left in their original packaging.
To date, the containers have almost 650 five-star reviews on Amazon and an overall rating og 4.5 5 stars.
"They work," one reviewer said. "Fruits and berries are like new after six days of storage."
"I have a problem with kale," said another. "It's sold in large bunches and it only keeps for about three days. I end up throwing most of it away. Problem solved. This produce keeper extends the shelf life of my kale from three days to one week!"
When you consider how much money you waste throwing out fruits and vegetables only a few days after buying them, Rubbermaid's FreshWorks containers may end up saving you money over time. And you may even have a chance to eat more of the produce you purchase before it spoils.
Rubbermaid FreshWorks Produce Saver Food Storage Container, 7.47 - 45.29