Halsey's Powerful Speech at the 2018 Women's March Will Leave You With Goosebumps

Get the Full Storyhere is my entire "A Story Like Mine" poem from today's #WomensMarch2018 in NYC tw: rape assault. Thank you. pic.twitter.com l3fji73woM

- h halsey January 20, 2018

As millions of women across the country took to the streets this weekend for the 2018 Women's March, 23-year-old singer Halsey took the stage in New York City to deliver a moving speech about her experiences with sexual assault. Although written in the style of a poem, Halsey's speech, which calls on all women, "Black, Asian, poor, wealthy, trans, cis gender , Muslim, and Christian", to listen, is just a powerful as any other. Watch it in its entirety above.
