What Exercises Burn the Most Belly Fat? These 20 and Here's a 40-Minute HIIT Workout Using Them

Get the Full StoryAlthough it's impossible to spot-reduce certain parts of your body, when you lower your body fat percentage, those areas will start to lean out. If belly fat is an area you are trying to target, while healthy eating is key, there is one type of exercise proven to diminish belly fat: high-intensity interval training HIIT .

David Chesworth, an ACSM-certified personal trainer and wellness coach at Hilton Head Health, told POPSUGAR that a combination of HIIT and the right nutrition plan can help reduce belly fat. Bodyweight and dumbbell moves are great exercises you can use in HIIT workouts. You just need to focus on working hard for a certain amount of time, followed by a period of rest, and then repeat.

Not sure how to start? If you're sweating it out at home, here's a basic HIIT workout plan you can use. Just modify it based on the moves you prefer and the body parts you want to target example moves are listed below . ACE-certified fitness instructor John Kersbergen suggests that doing HIIT workouts that combine strength-training moves three to four times a week is enough to start seeing results.

40-Minute HIIT Workout

Equipment needed: One pair of light dumbbells and one pair of heavy dumbbells

Directions: Choose what four exercises you want to do two bodyweight moves and two dumbbell moves . Perform each exercise for 40 seconds followed by a 20-second rest. Repeat the four-minute circuit 10 times for a total of 40 minutes.



Minute 1:

40 seconds on, 20 seconds rest

Bodyweight cardio move

Minute 2:

40 seconds on, 20 seconds rest

Dumbbell exercise low weight, high rep

Minute 3:

40 seconds on, 20 seconds rest

Bodyweight strength-training exercise

Minute 4:

40 seconds on, 20 seconds rest

Dumbbell exercise high weight, low rep

Here are some examples of each:

Bodyweight cardio exercise

Dumbbell exercise low weight, high rep

Bodyweight strength-training exercise

Dumbbell exercise high weight, low rep


Alternating forward lunges



Jump squats

Seated Russian twists

Air squats


High knees

Dumbbell swings

Side elbow plank with leg lift

Overhead presses

Lateral bunny hops

Sumo squats with bicep curls

Diamond sit-ups

Chest presses

Mountain climbers

Plank with row

Elbow plank hip dips

Dumbbell squats


This 20-Minute HIIT Workout Is What You Need to Lose Belly Fat

Keep reading for details on how to do each move.
