Hot Sluts Of The Day!

Get the Full StoryThe rebellious naked mannequin party in Santa Rosa, CA!

Almost a decade ago, the demonic butcherers of Hollywood let out a Satanic cackle as they threatened to destroy the memory of masterpiece classic Mannequin by remaking it. Their plan to destroy pieces of childhoods by destroying the memory of Mannequin has been sitting on a back shelf, collecting layers of dust, since 2010. It can continue to collect even more layers of dust, because the only remake or reboot we need is going down in Santa Rosa, CA and it s LIVE!

Reader Laura pointed me toward a hot naked mannequin party going down in the side yard of a man who is getting back at an anonymous neighbor for snitching on him. Jason Windus tells NBC Bay Area that he used to have a 9-foot tall fence in his yard, and it allowed his big ass dogs to run around. The 9-foot tall fence went up six months ago and he paid 9,000 for it. One neighbor wasn t having it and made an anonymous complaint to the city, saying that the fence was a safety hazard because it caused a blind spot on the corner where Jason s house sits. Jason was forced to cut down the fence to just 3-feet, and now his big ass dogs can t run around in his side yard. So to protest that decision, Jason brought out some mannequin crotch.

Jason says he got the mannequins from a clothing store he was doing a job for, and used them to stage a nudist colony soiree complete with an ad for his business and a special reserved seat for the anonymous neighbor who bitched about his fence to the city. Some neighbors love the naked mannequins including this dude:

That party is my kind of party. It is a protest against THE MAN and a passive aggressive neighbor and there s a bunch of naked hot bitches who can t talk. Although this party has a touch of psycho killer with that decapitated mannequin head:

Jason says he s not sure how long he s going to keep his naked mannequin party up. If only I lived in that neighborhood, I d have something to do on a Saturday night. Although do I really want the entire neighborhood to watch me get turned down by a mannequin after drunkenly hitting on it? Eh, wouldn t be the most embarrassing thing to happen to me.

Pics: NBC Bay Area
