If forgotten cold tea or coffee is the bane of your life, this smart temperature-controlled mug could be the answer

Get the Full StoryThe Ember Mug 2 is a smart mug that alerts you as soon as your beverage reaches the perfect drinking temperature and keeps it there, so it doesn't go cold.

It comes with a charging coaster and mobile app that allows you to choose your preferred temperature.

The Ember Mug 2 costs 99.95 for the 10-ounce model, and there's also a 14-ounce version and a travel mug for 129.95.

Read more: The best coffee mugs guide

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When I get absorbed in work, I frequently forget about the cup of coffee on my desk until it's gone cold and lost its allure. My wife does the same thing with almost every cup of tea I make her. That hasty glug of forgotten tea or coffee is always unpleasant.

So what do you do? You can pour it away and make a new cup, or give it a blast in the microwave, but neither is an ideal solution.

The Ember Mug 2 is the top smart mug in our buying guide to coffee mugs because it aims to make your cold tea and coffee woes a thing of the past with temperature controls you can configure from your phone. A smart mug may sound ridiculous, and at 99.95, it's not a cheap purchase. I've gotten so used to it that after just one week of testing, I don't think I can go back to a regular mug.See the rest of the story at Business InsiderSee Also:We compared 3 of the most popular online plant shops here's how their shipping and return policies and plant care advice stack up5 women with different hair types tried a 20 silk pillowcase it helped reduce frizz, static, and even head sweatPat LaFrieda shares the 8 grill accessories he can't do without, and how to use them
