Will Smith Breaks Down In Tears While Talking About The Oscars Slap On The Daily Show

Get the Full StoryI knew THIS moment would be coming after Will Smith started opening up about The Slap heard round the world in preparation for his upcoming film Emancipation and Oscar campaign. Will went on a brief apology tour over the summer, but he s upping the ante with waterworks and a sweet story involving one of his family members during an interview with Trevor Noah on The Daily Show.

Will Smith is getting some Oscar buzz for his performance in Emancipation, and I guess he can t talk Oscar buzz without talking about busting Chris Rock in the face at this year s Oscars. Because while promoting Emancipation on The Daily Show, he talked about The Slap and said that he was going through something that night, and the rage came out. Will mentions that you never know what someone is going through, like they could have just found out that their spouse cheated. Why is everyone looking at me?! said Jada Pinkett Smith. via Entertainment Tonight :

That was a horrific night, as you can imagine. You know, there s many nuances and complexities to it. But at the end of the day, I just I lost it, you know? Smith explained. And I guess what I would say, you just never know what somebody s going through, you know? In the audience right now, you are sitting next to strangers, and somebody s mother died last week. Somebody s child is sick. Somebody just lost their job. Somebody just found out their spouse cheated.

It s like there s all these things, and they re strangers, and you just don t know what is going on with people. And I was going through something that night. Not that that justifies my behavior at all, he added.

Will, you ve just described every person who has ever had to catch public transportation, so please try again. Normally people don t go around slapping folks just because they re going through some shit because if that were the case, there would be an international holiday called Slap-A-Ho Day, and we d use photos of characters from your movies as decorations.

When Trevor told Will that he was not that guy, Will started crying. But it was a story involving Will s nine-year-old nephew that really made him bring the emotions.

It was like, my nephew is nine. And he is the sweetest little boy. He s like we came home, and it s like, he had stayed up late to see his Uncle Will, and we are sitting in my kitchen and he is on my lap and he is holding the Oscar and he is just like, Why did you hit that man, Uncle Will?' he shared, once again getting emotional.

While Smith did not want to delve further into the story, he did say that over the last few months, he had to make the decision to forgive himself for what he d done.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why Will Smith won his Oscar in the first place because the s covering all his bases . But somewhere out there, Will s words slapped at someone s heartstrings which will always be a better alternative to slapping them in the face.

Check out Will s Daily Show interview below.

Pic: YouTube
