Are you even a serious interviewer? : Marjorie Taylor Greene has a meltdown during interview with clearly mindless Australian press

Get the Full StoryMarjorie Taylor Greene should do international interviews more often, as they clearly bring out the best in her. Months after she memorably told a BBC reporter to f off after being questioned on her belief in Jewish Space Lasers, MTG is once again shouting at foreign reporters who have no time for her unique brand of empty-headed, far-right rhetoric.

Marjorie was invited to speak on Australian Broadcasting Corporation s 7.30 program to discuss Julian Assange s release and return to his native Australia. As MTG is a big Assange fan, she probably expected this to be a puff-piece of an interview in which she d be alowwed to spout all her usual nonsense. However, it quickly became clear that this wasn t going to happen when anchor Sarah Ferguson started asking some meatier questions. And Marj couldn t take it.

In response to Greene praising Assange for his dedication to spreading the truth, Ferguson quizzed the reprobate representative on why she has consistently undermined the truthful results of the 2020 election.

Are you even a serious interview? A flustered Marj hit back. I thought we were talking about Julian Assange here today That s what I thought you were asking me to come on here, your Australian news show. I don t usually do interviews like this because people like you can t be taken seriously.

Yes, Marjorie Taylor Greene just told someone people like you can t be taken seriously. Hello Marj the pot, meet the kettle!

Marjorie Taylor Greene throws a tantrum on Australian TV when asked if she d accept the results of the election if Biden wins and asks if the interviewer is 'getting marching orders from the Democrat party.' qedd5gnNjh MeidasTouch MeidasTouch June 27, 2024

When Ferguson eloquently explained that this question was relevant to the conversation because the 2020 election is one of the most dominant issues of truth in the American landscape, MTG chided her: I mean, from an Australian, this is a dominant issue of truth. Oops, watch out, Margie, your xenophobia is showing again.

Ferguson then leveled Taylor Greene with her final killer question: will she accept the result of the 2024 election if Biden beats Trump? Tellingly, MTG didn t answer and instead threw a hissy fit.

What network is that? What is this? ABC in Australia? Marj asked an off-camera aide, presumably in an attempt to belittle or destabilize Ferguson, which resolutely failed. Is she getting her marching orders from the Democrat Party? I mean, like, is this what you decided to come up with today?

Ferguson proceeded to explain that the upcoming election is on the minds not just of Americans, but of the whole world, so her question was a natural point of curiosity. She then graciously brought things to an end: But I understand that we ve reached the end of the questions that you want to answer. Thank you for talking to us about Julian Assange and for joining the program.

I ve never been to Australia, but I ve always wanted to go.I m sure the Australian people are wonderful just like the American people.The Australian press however, clearly mindless robots muttering the same stupid talking points from their government masters.Just like ours. https: 0OfRNRWnpM Marjorie Taylor Greene mtgreenee June 27, 2024

Despite yet again proving her ineptitude by being unable to handle a single curveball question, somehow Marjorie thinks she s the one who came out of this interview on top. Retweeting a video describing her as having destroyed Ferguson, Greene decided to hit back at the entirety of the Australian press, labeling them clearly mindless robots spouting the same stupid talking points as her enemies in the American press.

Marjorie may want to visit Australia sometime, but something tells me the people of Australia might not feel the same.
