Marvel s rumored release date switch-up could mean we re about to have another Barbenheimer on our hands

Get the Full StoryThe Barbenheimer effect is nothing new movies release on the same day all the time but 2023 s case was unlike anything ever seen before. It s also yet to be replicated. That said, two greatly anticipated superhero movies could potentially give Barbenheimer a run for its money or fall flat on both their faces . The rivalry between Marvel Studios and DC Studios has long been in favor of the former, but there s some serious competition for the MCU s upcoming film, The Fantastic Four: First Steps, especially now that James Gunn has taken over as head of the revamped DCU. The MCU vs DCU showdown will be a sight to behold Photo via DC Studios James Gunn Marvel Studios upcoming The Fantastic Four: First Steps was initially scheduled to hit theaters on July 25, 2025, but rumors are now circulating that the release date could be moved up to July 11, 2025. While this might seem like good news for fans eager to see the Pedro Pascal-led reboot sooner, it s causing quite a stir. That s because DC s highly anticipated Superman is slated to release on the same day. Two superhero films being released on the same day? That s sure to shake things up on paper, but the execution might be a bit rocky. Marvel has been in a bit of a rough patch lately, with recent films like The Marvels, Ant-Man and the Wasp, and Eternals underperforming. Thankfully, TV series such as Loki and WandaVision have managed to keep the fanbase engaged. The Fantastic Four: First Steps is set to kick off Phase 6 of the MCU, which is a pivotal point in the franchise s current saga now that Robert Downey Jr. has formally taken over for Jonathan Majors as the new big-bad. Put plainly: a lot is riding on this next chapter. Marvel Studios evidently wants this reboot to be more than just a name-recognition boost, aiming to draw in both diehard fans and casual viewers. This is evident in the casting of Pedro Pascal and Joseph Quinn two actors who have had remarkable success recently as Mister Fantastic and Johnny Storm Is Marvel pulling a Barbenheimer 2.0, and what does this mean for the DCU? They tryna Barbenheimer it cuz both studios need a W https: qxMtnDdiuk BfKsCplVt6 Tristan AyoTristan September 16, 2024 After multiple delays, fans have been waiting a long time to see Marvel s First Family return to the big screen. On the flip side, Superman is set to usher in a new era for DC under James Gunn s leadership, making it an equally significant release. With both films now possibly sharing the same release date, fans are worried it could lead to a Barbenheimer situation an all-out box office showdown similar to what happened in 2023 when Barbie and Oppenheimer dropped on the same day and sparked an unexpected cultural phenomenon. While Marvel might hope to recreate that buzz, many fans believe it s a risky move. Given the studio s recent struggles, there s no guarantee Fantastic Four will be a success, whereas James Gunn has a reputation for delivering, as seen with Peacemaker and his Guardian of the Galaxy films. However, rumors are swirling that early screenings of Superman weren t well-received. If true, this could add more pressure for both films to perform well. Finally, part of Barbenheimer s appeal was because of the blatant contrast between both films: the dark Oppenheimer versus the bright and bubbly Barbie. If the two superhero movies do clash, it might have the opposite effect, leaving fans in a Switzerland-like state of neutrality. Until Marvel officially confirms the date change, all eyes are on July 11, 2025, to see if the Fantastic Four and the Man of Steel will indeed face off in theaters.
