We re still traumatized about it : A Walmart shopper was shamed by a bakery worker over a harmless cake order

Get the Full StoryA woman has gone viral on TikTok after being shamed at Walmart over a birthday cake she bought for her younger sister. In the 33-second clip, Jerricka whose username is jayymontee1 explains how she headed to the bakery at her local branch of the multinational retail corporation to purchase a cake for her 23-year-old sibling, only to be questioned about the size of the one she chose. Jerricka described her interaction with the Walmart bakery worker. She told them who she was buying the cake for and what the occasion was, to which the worker responded, Well, that s an awfully small cake for a 23-year-old. The worker then questioned how much cake each member of Jerricka s family would be getting from such a small cake, prompting her while referring to the worker as Jennifer to point out that she had a small family something she said they were still traumatized about, suggesting some loved ones may have been lost thus resulting in the family being small. Someone was being very, very nosey here, overstepping boundaries of social conduct unabashedly. TikTok users responded in their usual enthusiastic fashion, with posts varying from anger to amusement and everything in between. jayymontee1 That cake was good tho original sound Jerricka Most people were either angered by the Walmart worker s behavior, marveling at her nerve and nosey behavior, or at least agreed with Jerricka that the too many questions she rained upon her were uncalled for. Others, irked by the baking worker s audacity, cautioned Jerricka that people like these are always there who never learn that they need to mind their business that pays them! While one user laughed at Jerricka s use of the name Jennifer, saying, Not Jennifer I m hollering, several actual Jennifers responded by saying things like, The way you said my name made me feel like you were talking to me and me being a Jennifer- Oh She not talking to me!! I m not use to hearing my name its usually Karen lmao. One of the few people who appeared to be on the Walmart worker s side wrote, I dont want a small cake either I mean what is everyone else going to eat?? Meanwhile, in an attempt to distract Jerricka from the less-than-polite worker, several users complimented her stylish glasses, with some wanting to know where she got them. Complimentary and curious comments from those people included, But them glasses tho, Why them glasses followed by a series of flame emojis , Where are glasses from? and Ok but glasses from where? Flattering comments rooted in truth, but they do little to deviate from the fact that Walmart s reputation, like every big retail store chain, has been suffering for a while now. A Statista survey suggested that, in 2024, customer satisfaction with Walmart was lower than the national average for supermarkets in the United States. On a 100-point scale, Walmart recorded an index score of 74, which was five index points below the average supermarket rating of 79. With workers questioning their customers choices of birthday cakes on top of unaffordable prices and several food horror stories , that s hardly surprising. Maybe some additional staff training specifying how that is exactly the kind of thing that is deemed unacceptable would be a good idea.
