8 Ways to Feel More Energized Throughout the Day, According to Experts

Get the Full StoryIf you constantly find your energy levels running low by the end of the day, you're not alone. No matter how strong you start your day, stressors just seem to build up hour by hour, and they can take a significant toll on your mental and physical health. But even if you're ending every day with a low battery, it's sometimes hard to know what you can do to feel more energized in the long run. "In our fast-paced world, low energy levels have become an all-too-familiar companion for many of us," says Miranda LaBant, NMD. Thankfully, there's better solutions than just chugging energy drinks and cold brew.

To help you figure out how to feel more energized, we spoke to experts about a few impactful changes you can easily incorporate into your own routine. By adjusting how you eat, sleep, and exercise, you can learn to promote more sustained energy that'll last throughout the day. Read on to find out where to start.

Experts Featured in This Article:

Miranda LaBant, NMD, is a naturopathic physician at Brio Medical.

Natalie Rizzo, MS, RD, is a registered dietitian and plant-based sports nutritionist.

Dawn Jackson Blatner, RDN, CSSD, is a registered dietitian nutritionist and certified specialist in sports dietetics.

Amanda Frick, ND, is a naturopathic doctor and the vice president of medical affairs at Thorne HealthTech.

How to Feel More Energized

The demands of your daily routine can bring about poor sleep quality or higher stress levels - two common culprits of low energy levels, Dr. LaBant explains. As a note, low energy levels may also be the result of a more serious health condition or chronic illness, so make sure to consult a doctor for the best personalized medical advice. Otherwise, if you're just looking to get your energy levels up, here's a few expert-approved strategies that can help:

Opt For Balanced Meals: When cooking your next meal, think of the three macronutrients: protein, carbs, and fat. Eating meals with a balanced mix of all three can help optimize your energy levels throughout the day, says Natalie Rizzo, MS, RD. "One of the reasons that many people feel tired is that they're hungry in between meals," she says. By eating balanced meals throughout the day, you can give your body the nutrients it needs to function, avoiding spikes and crashes in blood sugar, and stabilizing your energy levels in the process, says Dawn Jackson Blatner, RDN, CSSD. "The key to an energizing diet is getting the right 'fuel mix' at each meal," Jackson Blatner explains. In her eyes, the "right fuel mix" means filling 25 percent of your plate with whole grains or potatoes, 25 percent with protein, and 50 percent with colorful produce plus a topping of healthy fat .

Take More Breaks: If you work for hours at a time, taking a break can do wonders for your energy levels. "Try going for a quick walk between meetings or house tasks, or even find some time to stand up," says Amanda Frick, ND. "Getting the blood flowing to your extremities can help keep you from an afternoon drag and help re-energize your brain." On days when you need heavy focus, Dr. Frick suggests breaking up your work with a guided meditation, or using the Pomodoro method, which incorporates timed intervals of work.

Move Your Body: It might feel counter-intuitive to fit in a workout when you're feeling sluggish, but exercise can be a great way to boost your energy. According to Harvard Medical School, exercise helps your muscles produce more mitochondria, which creates fuel out of the food you eat. More mitochondria means more fuel and higher energy levels overall.

Drink Matcha: Caffeine may seem like an obvious solution for anyone in need of an energy boost, but it's possible to go overboard. "Caffeine increases the stress compound cortisol," says Jackson Blatner, explaining that too much of a stress hormone can make you feel energized at first, but then majorly drained. That's why she recommends matcha as a morning pick-me-up as opposed to something with a higher caffeine content . "Matcha has a moderate amount of caffeine - about half of what's in a cup of coffee - which is a natural energy booster, and it contains a compound called L-theanine for focused, steady energy instead of jitters," says Jackson Blatner. No matter your caffeine source of choice, aim to consume no more than 400 mg per day, cutting yourself off at least 10 hours before bed so as not to hinder your sleep, Jackson Blatner says.

Prioritize Sleep: An inadequate sleep schedule can mess with your energy levels the next day. "When you consistently don't get enough restorative sleep, your body's ability to repair and rejuvenate is compromised," says Dr. LaBant. "This disruption in the sleep-wake cycle can lead to hormonal imbalances, such as elevated cortisol levels, which may result in increased fatigue." Your cognitive function can also take a hit, making it difficult for you to focus and concentrate, she adds. For better sleep, take time for a relaxing sleep routine before bed, aim to go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day, and avoid blue light exposure at least an hour before bed, Dr. LaBant advises. Certain supplements like valerian root and lemon balm may also help you de-stress and go to sleep.

Limit Processed Food: As previously mentioned, the foods we eat have a big effect on our energy levels - but not all foods are created equal. "When we consistently opt for processed, nutrient-poor foods high in sugars and unhealthy fats, our bodies suffer the consequences," says Dr. LaBant. Namely, your body's cells won't get the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients required for you to function at optimal energy levels, says Jackson Blatner. What's more, ultra-processed foods tend to be rich in simple carbohydrates, which can contribute to spikes in energy levels. If you want to feel more energized, try limiting ultra-processed foods, and replace them with a mix of vegetables in your diet, Dr. Frick recommends. Leafy greens seem to be especially helpful where energy levels are concerned. "Leafy greens like spinach, kale, watercress, cabbage, collard greens, and arugula contain natural nitrates which the body converts to nitric oxide NO which helps more energizing oxygen get to the muscles and brain," says Jackson Blatner. "Greens also contain B-vitamins, which help assist the body with energy production."

Post-Workout Fuel: If you notice yourself running low on energy post-workout, it may be a sign to fuel up. "After a workout, it's important to take in some protein and carbohydrates to refuel tired muscles and replenish glycogen the body's stored carb source ," says Rizzo. "Even something small like a smoothie can help keep your energy levels steady for the rest of the day." Check out some of the best post-workout snacks here.

Stay Hydrated: Whether or not you're an athlete, it's important to stay hydrated to keep your energy up. "Fatigue and lack of focus can actually be a sign of dehydration," Jackson Blatner says. While regular water will suffice, you can also add electrolyte packets if you want to hydrate faster, she says. Just be sure to find an option with no added sugar, and stick to something with less than 10 percent of the daily value of sodium if you're inactive and need to watch your sodium intake.

- Additional reporting by Chandler Plante

Renee Cherry is a PS contributor who specializes in beauty and wellness. Her writing has appeared in Shape, Women's Health, Glamour, and Well Good, among other publications.

Chandler Plante is an assistant editor for PS Health and Fitness. She has over four years of professional journalism experience, previously working as an editorial assistant for People magazine and contributing to Ladygunn, Millie, and Bustle Digital Group. In her free time, she enjoys finding new ways to rock her 18 ! different eye patches, and making videos about chronic illness, beauty, and disability.


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