This Full Supermoon in Aries Limpia Will Help You Peacefully Express Yourself

Get the Full StoryFeeling irritated? Maybe even angry? Take a deep breath in, hold it for a few seconds, and then let it go. With the exhale, we have the opportunity to shed heavy energy. So, if you feel called to do it a few times or even 10 times - do it. Honor your emotions and remind yourself that you have the control to see them through without them overcoming you. The breath is a magical place to start. During the astrological transits in October, this is especially true.

The Aries full moon is the third consecutive supermoon. This auspicious time not only allows us to transform our lives, but it starts by shedding what no longer serves us, and that isn't always an easy task. In fact, there are many times when we know something or someone no longer serves us, but it is difficult to let go. Whatever is giving you pause to make the change is something that doesn't always present itself at the forefront of your mind and heart. Sometimes, the need to keep these things and people in our lives even when they don't serve us well is our own fear of the unknown. What will happen if I let go? What if it isn't the right decision? What if I regret it? If these types of questions or self-doubt start flooding your mind, return to the breath once again.


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This supermoon may ruffle a few feathers - your own and others. So, it's a good time for introspection and intentional pauses where you go deep within and really examine what spirit is guiding you through. A gentle reminder that whenever anything is transformed from something it once was to something completely new, there are challenges and obstacles along the path of transformation. This is true within us, too. As energetic beings, we can shift and change our environment. If feelings of being stuck arise, remind yourself of that. Energy is always moving and shifting and reshaping and transforming. And you are energy. Give that a second to settle into your mind, and you'll soon realize that you are truly the co-pilot of your life with spirit by your side, helping to elevate you as you continue becoming wiser and more experienced.

When is the Supermoon in Aries?

The Supermoon in Aries peaks on Oct. 17 at 7:26 p.m. ET. Put on a few layers and indulge in the night sky with the Aries full moon illuminated. Just like soaking in the sun's rays is good for our soul, so is the light of the full moon. Enjoy it. Meditate. Breathe. And just be.

What Does the Supermoon in Aries Mean

Aries is the first zodiac sign - the starting line. Ruled by Mars, the planet of action, passion, conflict, and desire or sex drive, the Aries full moon may feel like you are bursting at the seams. Things that you may have held back from expressing in the past may flow through you quickly, with Aries opening the floodgates. It feels like very fast and hasty energy. If conflicts have been a constant in your life over the past few months, it may peak under the Aries full moon, which is why introspection and solitude are important at this time.

It's not that you have to shut everyone and everything out. But it is important that you take a pause before expressing yourself based on initial reactions to this. Mars and Aries have explosive energy, which can be really good in certain situations and not so good in others. It's about finding that fine line and meditation, energy work, and spiritual limpias are ways to gain clarity so that you can.


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Old wounds may come to the surface during this time. If they do, acknowledge them and then set the intention to heal. It's not about pulling the band-aid off quickly, but instead nursing your inner wounds and allowing newfound strength to begin the healing process. It happens over time, but the simple thought of healing is the start of the journey. Utilize the energy of the supermoon to guide you.

What Spiritual Cleansing Prayer Goes With the Supermoon in Aries?

Great Mystery, I am feeling lost. The path is difficult to see and navigate at this time, and I feel frustrated. I pray for strength during this transformative time and peace within. I want to express myself to others and work out situations that started many moons ago, but I need you to hold me up as I do so. Change is hard. Sometimes it leaves me feeling weak in the knees. This is when I need you to carry me, Great Spirit. And I need my ancestors to whisper words of affirmation and love in the deepest parts of my soul so that I can heal and create a more solid foundation for myself and my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you. So, be it. Breathe in deeply and feel the words from this prayer integrate into your energy. Now, exhale.

What Tarot Card Goes Well With the Supermoon in Aries?

The Emperor This tarot card embodies the same courage, strength, and leadership as Aries.

Which Chakra Goes Well With the Supermoon in Aries?

Root Chakra Aries seeks a solid foundation and sense of security, which resonates with the first chakra.

Spiritual Cleansing Limpia for the Supermoon in Aries


Sea salt

Pink Himalayan salt

Florida Water

Dragon's breath sage

Palo Santo

Herbs: rosemary and coriander

Crystals: red jasper, carnelian, and citrine

Essential Oils: ginger, orange, and black pepper

Candle: blood orange or red

Flowers: honeysuckle, thistle, or red roses


1. Put on some music to help shift and move the energy in your space. As you move to the rhythm of the music, light your dragon's blood sage and allow the smoke to float around the areas where you'll indulge in your Aries supermoon limpia. Make sure to circle yourself too!

2. Next, burn some palo santo to call in your ancestors and deepen the cleansing the sage provided. Don't forget to open windows and doors when you're doing this so that the old energy can truly float out and away from your space.

3. Now, let's create our Aries supermoon altar first. Grab your candle, crystals, and some flowers, saving the rest for your limpia. Find a nice spot to place your altar. Once you do, tap into your intuition and begin placing the crystals around the candle with the flowers in a vase at a safe distance. Pray at your altar and add other symbolic items as you wish. Light your candle to spark your magic as you continue your lunar ritual.

4. Grab a big pot and fill it with water. Place it on your stovetop and bring it to a gentle boil before adding handfuls of herbs, several drops of essential oils, and a few splashes of Florida Water. Mix everything in with a wooden spoon and thank all the elements for coming together to cleanse you.

5.Lower the water to a simmer and add one cup each of sea salt and Pink Himalayan salt and mix in with a wooden spoon until fully dissolved.

6.Simmer for 10 mins before removing the pot from the heat and allowing it to cool to a temperature that is comfortable for you.

7. Pour your limpia into a colander and allow the beautiful, healing water to fall into a large bowl. It is recommended that you don't use this bowl for anything else but spiritual work. Consider it a sacred tools in your ritual.

8. Now, take the limpia to the shower or wherever you intend to pour it over yourself.

9. Make sure your physical body is clean. Then, when you are ready, gently pour the limpia over your body allowing the water to flow down each shoulder and over your head.

10. Feel it cleansing your spirit and your deep connections to the elements fire, water, air, and earth, which are all represented in this limpia ritual. You embody all of these elements, too.

11. Allow yourself to air dry if you can or pat dry with a white towel before journaling, dancing more, singing out loud, praying, meditating, making love or simply resting.

Zayda Rivera is a PS Contributor. She has been a professional writer for more than 20 years. Z is a certified Reiki Master-Teacher, yoga and Zumba instructor, mindfulness and meditation guide, tarot reader, and spiritual mentor
