She really is your bff! : Bestie braves dangerous rooftop in the rain to save her friend s shoe, and hilarity ensues
Get the Full StoryBest friends can help each other through every issue under the sun. A stressful few months? Let s plan a beach vacation. A bad breakup? No problem, time for some nachos, wine, and giggles. What about when your shoe ends up on your roof? This might be a super specific problem to have, but it s still nice to know that you have someone in your life who would help you get through it. If you re TikTok user hannahtravelsss, your pal is going to do everything in their power to get that shoe back. When she tried to grab it, she fell out of the window onto the roof. That would have been bad enough, but it was raining! When she attempted to get up, she slipped and fell again. Thankfully, they both kept their sense of humor and burst into laughter. hannahstravelsss Literally wetting myself crying it s the second slip for me #funny #fail #epicfail #slipnslide #fyp #fallingover #fallingfail original sound HannahsTravelsss The only response to this video is, of course, hilarious, as one user put it. Another commented on the true friendship evident in this scene: She really is your bff! When someone asked why her shoes were on the roof, Hannah explained, my friends didn t like them so threw them out the window. Stories about best friends who help each other are always a great way to turn a tough day around and put an extra smile on your face when you re already having a nice day. People always talk about how important it is to have a social life and how everyone will be more content if they spend time with friends regularly. But if you re like Hannah and have a BFF who is always there for you, you re doing well. According to Vox, a study from 2020 discovered that people feel satisfied when they have three, four, or five good friends. However, as Vox pointed out, one friend who you can talk to and be vulnerable with counts, too. As for Hannah s best pal s slippery roof antics, this situation could have gotten dangerous and fast or even fatal . As people grow up, they might hear a story of at least one person who tried to be the life of the party and fell off a roof. My third grade crush injured his arm when he was a teenager by jumping off one. The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons said every year 500,000 people are treated for ladder-related injuries. And in 2021, a man working as a roofer died when he slipped on the roof of an apartment building that was wet from rain. Falling asleep to the sound of rain might be peaceful, and raindrops create a cozy vibe that s perfect for sitting inside with a hot mug of tea and a good book. But rain can be scary. As a study in the British Medical Journal pointed out, people who live where there is extreme rainfall have a 29 higher chance of respiratory death, 5 higher chance of cardiovascular death, and 8 higher chance of all-cause deaths within 14 days of the rain. Thankfully, Hannah s friend was okay, and she was close enough to the window that she could get back inside easily. But slipping on a wet roof can be terrifying, and after watching this TikTok, everyone should leave their unpopular footwear outside when it gets thrown out the window. Friendship is important, but so is safety!Share: