As Americans scream at Democrats to DO SOMETHING, they re quickly faced with a sad, horrific reality check
Get the Full StoryThe grim reality of our national situation is finally settling in for a bulk of American citizens, some of whom used their free expression to elect Donald Trump president. Now that he s taken up the position once again this time with far more preparations in place Trump is making disastrous move after disastrous move, and the tenor of the country is noticeably dour. Stress is once again spiking, after a brief four-year respite, and it feels like we re treading water in a very large, and very dangerous, ocean. Which is prompting a wave of state-side voters from both sides of the political aisle to aim their anger at the U.S. government, and in particular at Democrats. They seem to think that Democrats should be doing more to stop Trump s promised shift into fascism, and they ve taken to social media to demand that politicians on the left do something to stop Trump. Federal aid feeds kids. Democrats need to do something about that POS freezing federal aid. Republicans need to stand up to him but they won t Kelly D KellDA January 28, 2025 Unfortunately for them and the rest of us its a little late to demand action from our representatives. While there s certainly still more they can do and we should always expect our representatives to fight for what s right their opportunity to really impact Trump s plans died with America s spirit on Nov. 5, 2024. Alongside Trump, a slew of Republicans found massive success in the election, which led to a majority no amount of Democratic maneuvering can compete with. None of which is stopping outraged Americans from pointing their indignation at exactly the wrong targets. They re aiming their horror and disgust at Democratic Congresspeople, while the clown show that s steering the ship continues to laugh in the face of American democracy. Instead of pinning the blame where it naturally lands, people are blasting Democratic leadership and blaming them for failing the American people. So the WIC program is frozen? Come on Senators! Fucking do something! This is NOT AMERICA ANY LONGER IF YOU JUST SIT THERE AND HAVE PRESSERSGOD DAMN Kelly D KellDA January 28, 2025 Senator you are a United States Senator stop tweeting and do something to STOP him. Now! https: smaHOVraOb Sophia A. Nelson IAmSophiaNelson January 28, 2025 CAN SOMEONE IN THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY GROW A PAIR AND DO THE RIGHT THING AND START THE PROCESS TO IMPEACH THE DICTATOR.. IS THERE ANYONE IN THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY THAT EVEN CARES THAT TRUMP IS DESTROYING AMERICA??? THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY HAS FAILED THE AMERICAN PEOPLE Glenn Tunes glenn_tunes January 28, 2025 And look, I m all for criticizing the stagnant Democratic hold-ons who should have been out of a job decades ago. I m sick of dinosaurs making decisions for the rest of us, and I m even more sick of their careful manipulations within the party, as they seek to retain power. But other Representatives, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez D-NY are already working hard to fix the system, and no amount of whinging is going to make the U.S. government any less broken. All these people demanding Democrats and Joe and Kamala do something what do you expect them to do when we re not in power and you booted Joe and Kamala? And all you experts. Why didn t YOU prepare for all this? It was literally in a book to read. THEE Side-Eye Pinkie Pie Fucking Told You So NYPoliticalMom January 28, 2025 If people really want someone to yell at, it should be the friends, family members, co-workers, neighbors, and acquaintances that voted to allow a criminal to become Commander-in-Chief or didn t vote at all. It s the people who paved the way for this hellscape we re currently living in who really deserve an earful, but in some cases, at least they re instead among those same people calling for our elected leadership to do more. I will never understand the morons who blame Democrats for what Republicans do, and who scream "DeMs MuSt dO sOmEtHiNg!" and have no suggestions!! when we fucking warned them: If Republicans get power, they will do this shit, and there will be nothing that can be done. dcpetterson January 28, 2025 Stop screaming at Democrats to do something if you didn't do what you were supposed to do in November. https: am25P6Vqbh Holy Bullies holybullies January 28, 2025 And the Democrats should do more, don t get me wrong. I also want them to do absolutely everything in their power to stop Trump, to impeach the tangerine tyrant, and to block his criminal policies before they become a terrifying reality. Those that are complaining, rather than doing something, do deserve criticism, but so does every single American who whines without taking their own advice. So a week into Trump s term, resistance Twitter is ablaze with OMG! Trump is doing crazy thing why don t the Democrats DO SOMETHING!!!!!?????!!!! Well, I spent the better part of 10 years on resistance Twitter, trying to elect Democrats, support Democrats, defeat Trump. It Brian Chovanec Brian_Chovanec January 28, 2025 Let s all be part of the solution, rather than the problem. Take your outrage off of social media and into places it counts. Call your representatives, demand action, or change, or that they do something on a local level. Or better yet, you do something. Go out into your communities and be the change you re so desperate to see in this world. Or take the ambitious route and pull a Tim Walz or AOC run for Congress, and make it your responsibility to do something productive for this nation.Share: