These people are idiots, said JD Vance before behaving like a child in front of Congress and the world
Get the Full StoryAny respect JD Vance once touted has vanished over the last year, as the former never Trump guy sells out his morals and what soul he has left for a spot at Donald Trump s back. Not at his side that spot is reserved for Elon Musk but a few feet behind and slightly to the right. Fittingly forgettable, just like Vance. While vice presidents past looking at you Kamala have been powerful and influential figures fighting alongside their president, Vance is a limp, unimpressive footnote in the saga of Donald J. Trump. All on his own, Vance is utterly insignificant, but his attachment to the man transforming our democracy into an autocracy has made him a distinctly unpopular figure. Pair that with his childish antics and utterly punchable aspect, and Vance has rapidly become one of the most hated men in America. His plummeting popularity was on full display over the weekend, when the Vance family made their way to Vermont for a ski trip. Their journey down the mountain was riddled with protesters, as Vermont natives took to the slopes to dish out some very polite civic unrest. Numerous videos and images captured over the weekend showcase just how unpopular Vance is, as regular Americans made it their duty to disparage the current Veep. Protestors welcome JD Vance to his ski weekend in Vermont byu RoyalChris inpopculture If you ask Vance, however, almost no one showed up to oppose his visit. Blasting reporters who covered the widespread protestors as idiots, Vance tried to convince social media that his family barely noticed the protesters, adding that almost everyone we met was kind and generous. These people are such idiots. We had a great time during our weekend in Vermont. We barely noticed the protesters and almost everyone we met was kind and generous. And Vermont is beautiful. This headline about being moved to an undisclosed location is that we moved our hotel https: anvhBFlkW1 JD Vance JDVance March 4, 2025 I won t disagree with him on that point. The protests in Vermont are hilariously courteous, even as they blast Vance and Trump as traitors and fascists. They also threw in some distinctly Vermont-coded sass, with one sign noting that Vance is as welcome as you make others, and another savagely proclaiming that JD Vance skis in jeans. Ouch. The Ukrainian flag was also on frequent and prominent display, as Vermonters condemned Vance for that shameful display on Feb. 28. Trump was bad enough on his own, but Vance s disgusting and despicable insistence that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy thank the people threatening to withdraw his aid was a step too far for many. Vermonters doing their best to ruin JD Vance s ski trip byu Flumpy1223 inukraine Vance added, in his pushback against Vermont reports, that his family wasn t moved due to protesters. He claimed that we moved our hotel so the kids could have more privacy, and added that we didn t disclose it because the secret service doesn t like when we advertise my location. He leaves out that the only reason his family needed more privacy is because of the broad local pushback. They d have been perfectly fine in their original luxury hotel if not for the protesters that packed streets, sidewalks, and slopes in opposition to the VP. Vance s ruined vacation: The U.S. Vice President went on a ski trip to Vermont with his family, but his plans were disrupted by hundreds of pro-Ukrainian protesters.Activists hinted that, with his stance on Ukraine, Russian resorts might suit him better.#Trump iOwi3EKCbr Devana DevanaUkraine March 1, 2025 Vance s attempt to re-write the narrative isn t going well, with so much conflicting footage circulating, but that s not stopping him from twisting the story into something unrecognizable. Just like he s done with everything including his own history. The childish, petulant behavior Vance displayed during that meeting with Zelenskyy was shameful. It was embarrassing and utterly deplorable, and the American people see it for exactly what it is. So Vance can keep trying to rewrite reality, and we ll keep showing up with proof that he s filled with nothing but guyliner and lies.