King Charles love child stands up for secret half-brother Prince Harry and sister-in-law Meghan Markle
Get the Full StoryPrince Harry and Prince William s sibling rivalry is legendary, but they actually aren t the only children in their family. People often forget that they have a step-brother and step-sister through their father s marriage to Queen Camilla Tom Parker-Bowles and Laura Loomer. Then, of course, there s King Charles second love child. Yes, you read that right. For decades, Australian resident Simon Dorante-Day has maintained that he is the bastard spawn of the current king and queen, allegedly the result of a naughty trip the future married couple took down under in 1965. As per Dorante-Day s story, his adoptive grandmother used to work for Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip his alleged biological grandparents and she told him the truth of his noble ancestry when he was a boy. I was very close to my grandmother and she told me many times that I was Camilla and Charles child, Dorante-Day alleged. She didn t just hint at it, she told me outright. As Dorante-Day puts it then, presumably the late monarchs had their old employee raise him in order to hide his existence from the world, thereby stopping the scandal of their eldest son and heir having a child out of wedlock from getting out and staining the family. Unfortunately, as much as royal gossip mongers may wish for this juicy story to be true, it s a matter of fact that Charles and Camilla didn t meet until the early 1970s and Dorante-Day was born in 1966, when Charles would ve been just 18. Nevertheless, Prince Simon has never renounced his claims to being the rightful heir to the British throne. In medieval times, someone pronouncing themselves the next true king would ve resulted in an epic and bloody battle. In our modern world, however, Dorante-Day s tall tales have made him an occasional daytime TV and podcast guest and Royal Family pundit. In his latest comments about his potential relatives, Simon has stood up in defense of his self-proclaimed sibling, Prince Harry. Lost Prince Simon stands up for pseudo-sibling Prince Harry While speaking with Australia s Channel Seven recently, Dorante-Day or maybe His Royal Highness revealed that he feels a strong bond with potential sibling Harry as he feels they are both the black sheep of the Royal Family. Simon said, I believe Harry would be receptive to my plight. He got f over by his dad, he has a bone to pick with Charles. Just like I do. Moreover, Dorante-Day went on to note how he relates to Harry s fears for his and Meghan Markle s safety, due to suspected attacks and threats on their lives, stressing that his wife worries much the same way about him. When people say he looks very nervous and jumpy, I understand where Harry is coming from with that. I can tell that he s worried about someone attacking Meghan and saying something that will force her to react. My wife is the same, so I can relate, Simon continued. My advice for Harry is to let her go, to let Meghan say what she wants to say. People have been racist and insensitive to Meghan, she should give it back to critics without people looking down on her People are so ignorant. While the Royals do have a history of hiding away unwanted children, the odds are Simon is not the king and queen s secret love child. Yet here he is, doing what Prince William has never done, and valiantly attempted to deflect criticism from his little brother and, honestly, doesn t that sound like something a real sibling would do?