The Ultimate IVF Starter Pack

While nothing makes enduring these fertility challenges easy, there are some products and tips that I've come to appreciate along the way. Having undergone four rounds of IUI and five rounds of IVF, I wish I had a guide like this at the beginning of the process. Keeping your medicine and schedule organized can provide some semblance of control in an otherwise very unpredictable process. Hopefully, these products can provide solace for anyone going through fertility treatments, or inspire ideas for people looking to support a loved one who is about to start.
Makeup organizer
No one can prepare you for the sheer volume of pills, medicine, injection needles, alcohol pads, and sharps containers that will come into your life. A friend who also went through IVF lent me this three-drawer box, and it made all the difference in staying organized. This is an easy way to keep all your meds straight, and I placed another makeup organizer on top for maximum storage capabilities. Basically anything you would use to store makeup is a great dupe for meds.
Product recommendation: Container Store Everything Organizer 16 .
Adhesive labels
Even after all these rounds, I can barely keep everything straight. There is medicine you need for different stages of the process triggered ovulation, egg retrieval, embryo transfer, etc. and it's nice to be able to easily distinguish what medicine you need when in the process. You can use these to label the above drawers, and can also pop them onto different meds for reminders about how often to take them and how to store them.
Product recommendation: Adhesive Labels 7
Countertop mini fridge
There are a lot of "today I learned" moments during the IVF process and the fact that many medications need to be refrigerated is one of them. When I first started, I would keep those medications in my kitchen fridge, but it's a bit nicer-and more sanitary-to separate them from defrosting chicken thighs. I bought a countertop minifridge that I keep in the bathroom, ideal storage for things like follicle stimulating hormone injection pens. Side bonus: I keep my jade roller in here, too!
Product recommendation: Kenmore Mini Refrigerador 30 .
Heating pillow
Everyone who has experienced a period has a heating pad handy, but why not make it cute? Made from cherry pits, these patterned heating pillows are a bit more stylish than the typical drugstore version, and help soothe your midsection during some of the most uncomfortable moments, particularly healing after an egg retrieval. Be sure to talk to your doctor about the best times to use and avoid a heating pad.
Product recommendation: Cherry Pit Therapeutic Heat Pillows 32
Desk calendar
At first, I thought I could keep track of my schedule with a combination of my work planner and Google Calendar. I quickly learned there are way too many details to parse through, so having a separate calendar-solely dedicated to fertility-related appointments, reminders, and dosage changes-became a game changer. I keep mine right near my meds, and take notes on it during phone calls with my nurse. It doesn't hurt that this calendar from Headspace and Poketo has encouraging sayings to keep you motivated along the way.
Product recommendation: Headspace x Poketo Calendar 24
Electrolyte packets
Apparently, these aren't just great for a hangover. Electrolyte packets are also crucial while healing from an egg retrieval. After your body has ballooned up from ovarian stimulation, you will need something to flush out fluid retention and Liquid IV packets, Gatorade Zero, coconut water, and high-protein shakes from OWYN are just the thing.
Product recommendation: Liquid IV Lemon Lime Hydration Multiplier 16
Stool softener
Here's the part that doesn't get talked about much, but really should. Similar to many pregnancy symptoms, the constipation after an egg retrieval is brutal. Certain medications and the advised reduction in physical activity can lead to a lot of stagnation in your system, but luckily gentle stool softeners like Colace in combination with plenty of the fluids above can provide much-needed relief.
Product recommendation: Colace Regular Strength Stool Softener 15
Vibrating ice pack
: After daily bloodwork and many rounds of treatment, I feel like a pin cushion and needles no longer phase me. But the beginning is scary and a needle phobia can be a very serious hindrance to someone starting out. For the particularly shot-averse or simply anyone freaked by the idea of injecting themselves , this distracting buzzer has not only helped children, but also plenty of fertility patients.
Product recommendation: Buzzy Personal Vibrating Ice Pack 45
Acupuncture session
Ironically, one of the most soothing complements to my fertility process involves more needles. I've found that an acupuncture session is the best way to quiet my mind, which stays plenty busy with all the thoughts of "what ifs" and "what's next?" Plus, studies have shown that acupuncture can help promote blood flow to the uterus and relieve stress levels during a chaotic time, which is truly the ultimate gift.
Recommendation: Mend Acupuncture Community Session 35 before insurance
Jess Mayhugh is the managing editor of Eater and Punch. Previously, she's worked for Thrillist, Smithsonian, and Baltimore magazine, and has written about her reproductive journey for The Atlantic and The New York Times. You can find her biking around Baltimore, where she lives with her husband and two goofy cats.