Your Next Friend Hang: A "Reading Weekend" Indoors

Wilde and her friends then gathered together one weekend in January to read, hike, bake desserts, cook new dinner recipes, and craft DIY bookmarks. "It was great to spend time with each other in a way that was off our phones, low cost, and also relaxing and fun," she tells PS.
When Wilde later posted a video on TikTok documenting the reading weekend, she had no idea it would go as viral as it did: With over 2 million pageviews, the comment section was filled with people eager to try a reading weekend themselves. "Y'all taking applications for friendships or??" one person wrote. Another person commented, "May this type of friendship find me."
With granny hobbies on the rise, hosting a reading weekend with your group chat might just be the perfect plan. It's cozy, intimate, and a great way to connect with your friends without spending 17 on a cocktail. It might even help you make a new couch friend or two. Whether you're interested in finding a new hobby or reading your way through your TBR pile, here's everything to know about how to host the perfect reading weekend.
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