Why this Peruvian farmer s lawsuit could be a game changer for global climate accountability

Get the Full StorySaul Lliuya s lawsuit against German energy giant RWE argues that the company s emissions will lead to catastrophic flooding of his town.

As a crucial climate lawsuit heads to trial in Germany next week, experts say the case brought by Peruvian farmer Saul Luciano Lliuya against German energy giant RWE could set a significant precedent in the fight to hold major polluters accountable for climate change. This is one of the first cases of its kind a case brought by someone directly affected by climate change against a major greenhouse gas emitter that has made it all the way to trial, said Noah Walker-Crawford, a research fellow at the London School of Economics and an adviser to the non-profit Germanwatch, which has been advising Lliuya.Lliuya s lawsuit against RWE argues that the company s historical greenhouse gas emissions have fueled global warming, accelerating glacial melt above his hometown of Huaraz, Peru. As a result, Lake Palcacocha has swelled to dangerous levels, threatening the community with the risk of catastrophic flooding.RWE, which has never operated in Peru, denies legal responsibility, arguing that climate change is a global issue caused by many contributors.
